Play Production Programmes, Tours, and Shows

The Palestinian National Theatre – El Hakawati – is eager to enrich the Palestinian theatre production. In light of that, it prepares, executes, and presents numerous theatrical productions that target different groups annually, with no less than five theatrical plays per year. 

The presented works by the theatre are a mixture of improvisations, writing of new plays, and adopting the works of Arab and Palestinian writers, in addition to preparing and translating international theatrical shows. In most cases, the core of the theatre’s productions is centered on social issues and political concerns. They, nonetheless, focus on artistic works from contemporary sources, traditional culture, and Arab and Palestinian literature. 

Shows with10,000 audience members yearly
Theatre Shows attended by 30,000 students
Workshops with 150 youth participants
Community Activities for 6,000 participants
Youth Play Shows – Network of the Friends of the Theatre

These are a series of drama workshops that were especially designed to produce plays that are inspired by the participating youth to use their creativity to influence other youth in their societies. The programme of those workshops start by a drama course that runs for a month, and interested candidates are then able to participate in a series of further workshops that run for six weeks, before they participate in a tour of ten shows (minimum) that run for two weeks themselves.

This programme models as a highly interesting opportunity for the youth and for drama teachers to work as directors for the youth theatre. It also grants the youth who are interested in taking a career in dramatic production to become members of the network of the friends of the theatre, which allows them to become broadly involved in the activities and productions of the theatre, as they get invited to every training and opening show by the theatre, and are always consulted on issues that interest not only the children and youth community, but also the Palestinian community in general.

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