Plays with 10,000 audience members yearly

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El-Hakawati Plays
Our Work
El-Hakawati theater produces 4 theater productions during the year: two theatrical works for adults and two theatrical works for children. Each work is accompanied by a tour of performances within the theater and outside the theater.
Our Insights
Palestinian National Theatre- TAM 2
eadmin2021-03-08T01:30:49+02:00From 3 to 18 October, Inteatro hosts the third part of the international cooperation project “Theater and Multimedia Arts – TAM2″ with the presence of Gabriele Vacis and 9 professional Palestinians actors. A period of intense work from the Marche to East Jerusalem to launch a message of dialogue, hope and peace with the young people of the Palestinian territories. The last part of the project is configured as a real Creative Residence in Polverigi of the young actors of the Palestinian National Theatre, in the beautiful setting of Villa Nappi. This experienence will create a real theater production to be...
Search for identity on and off stage – El-Hakawati Theatre
eadmin2021-03-08T01:30:37+02:00Francois Abu Salem, founder and director of El-Hakawati Theater, takes a pensive puff of his Marlboro, and leans back in his chair. He is having a bad day. The logistics of staging his new play , "Jericho, Year Zero," at an upcoming European Festival, are causing a few wrinkles to line his sharply angled yet handsome face Oriental and Occidental , his features reflect the troubled but dynamic melange of European and Palestinian elements found in his plays. Abu-Salem-,the product of a cross-cultural marriage between a French mother and a Palestinian father - has always reflected the theme of East -West...